Monday, February 15, 2010


I dislike phonetic accents. They're often difficult to read and not entirely necessary. If I ever made up comics, I would prefer to paint the fourth wall and use different fonts for different accents. I've already set aside various comic typefaces for "American accents" and "British accents." But, you see, I've never really found a typeface that I thought would work for Russian accents. So I'm trying to make my own.

Here is my workspace for building the font. The letters A-J are completed. The column in the center of a picture is reference; I want some of the letters to look like various Cyrillic characters which sound radically different but look similar to the ones provided.

Originally, I was going to use the typeface seen in the M-Z column as a jumping off point for the font, but at the last second I used a Superman comic instead. Partially because I wanted the font to look a little more original, but mostly because I always get a chuckle out of Silver Age stories.

1 comment:

  1. WAAAAAAAAA! You make your own fonts? Wow. Creativity is strong with your family.
