Since I seem to be focusing on NaNoWriMo '09 character designs, let's at least name these characters so I don't have to keep calling them "our hero from x posts ago" or whatever.
Our intrepid hero is Kenneth.
The lovebirds from the post after that don't have names yet. They need them.
The kid after that with the acne is Chase.
Indie girl is Scarlett. She dyes her hair red to match her name.
Their powers combine to form Earth's greatest superhero, Captain Planet.That's not right, at all. But these five form our core group.
Kenneth doesn't go around befriending and half-befriending everyone. Let's meet some people he doesn't befriend at all!
Now, I wanted to draw more for this post, but I didn't get to it. I have one drawing, but first, a commentary. I just noticed that in every story, I have a character who is highly privileged but squanders their benefits on silly things. Sometime before or during the story, however, they are suddenly torn from their lofty lifestyle. This is always accompanied by a
Karmic Transformation. For a good part of the story, they must cope with both their physical and social changes, and they become a better person for their struggles (although they are still uncomfortable with the physical changes).
This character is always male and always blond.
While I try to figure out why I seem to hold some sort of bizarre grudge against blond men, here's a picture of this story's blond who is going to suffer for it.

He's a pretty bright kid (I just realized all the guys who fit into this stereotype are in some way), but he's also very socially savvy (As my tortured blonds usually are). He's learned that he doesn't really have to do any work to stay on top and frequently rubs this fact into everyone's face. His father is the Dean of Students, so it's pretty futile to call him out on anything assholey he does.
Chase, in particular, really can't stand him. Kenneth tries to befriend him, but it doesn't go very well.
Coupled with his hair color, he totally has it coming to him.