Monday, November 30, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 30: A Winner Is Yako, or, Rest Easy, Ghostbusters

Today's word count: 2,002 words
Final total: 50,405 words
Final total according to 50,132 words


Summary: The characters mess around for 2,002 more words so that the ultimate séance of ultimate destiny takes place after the novel ends.

Also--wow, I can't believe I made it! I've definitely had my high and low points, but somehow I pulled through to the end. To anyone who has ever looked at this blog during November--thank you so much. I appreciate it, I really do. Tomorrow I'll start updating with drawings again.

As for final thoughts on the novel--I'm not sure what to think. Like I said, it had its high and low points. As for characters, they're sort of interesting but not terribly so. I don't think I'll be doing anything with them in the near future. But it is in this novel that I see my growth as a writer. I've never written a single action sequence before, and here there are multiple sequences. My pacing is a bit better and I didn't have to resort to as many padding techniques as I usually do.

And without further ado, the final installment. You have earned it as much as I did, dear reader.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 29: Muses in the Making

Yesterday and today's combined word count: 3,349 words
Running total: 48, 403
Summary: The gang prepares to hold a séance to help their mysterious client and Kenneth gets summer work done.

Also, there is a gay love story on Kenneth and Chase's summer reading list.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 28: Too Late for Schedule Slips

But somehow, they happen regardless.

So instead of this lack of update, have a quick outfit-ref.

Friday, November 27, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 27: How to Be a Master

Today's word count: 1,273 words
Running total: 45,045 words
Summary: Spoiler character finishes talking with Scarlett and interviews Chase instead.

Also, there is marveling over lack of a DC property in Chase's room.  Pun not intended.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 26: Last Second Plot Twist

Today's word count: 1,996 words
Running total: 43,781 words
Summary: I don't want to give the big twist away in the summary, so suffice to say Scarlett talks to someone and gets a new lead on a ghost.

Also, there is a completely random interlude where the characters perform the exciting act of ordering drinks at a restaurant.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 25: The Saga Continues

Today's word count: 1,925 words
Running total: 41,785 words
Summary:  Chase spills his heart out to his friends, the Grindstone case is closed, and Scarlett gets a text message that will change her life.  Dun dun dunnnn.

Also, there are profound thoughts.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 24: Grindstone's Grindstone

Today's word count: 1,428 words
Running total: 39,890 words
Summary: The gang beats up Grindstone and heads back home for exposition.

Also, there is mention of "Grindstone's ghastly gullet," which is undoubtedly the best string of words in the novel so far.

Monday, November 23, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 23: In Which We Meet a Ghost

Today's word count: 1,710 words
Running total: 38,248 words
Summary: The gang meets Grindstone.

Also, when I was writing this I had the voices of Chrisopher Eccleston and Nathan Fillion as the voices of Jake Waters and Brian Wells respectively.  Talk about weird.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 22: Further ~Character Development~

Today's word count: 1,686 words
Running total: 36,722 words
Summary: I explore Brian's character.

Also, Jake Waters makes a cameo.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 21: On the Road Again

Combined word count (Yesterday and Today): 2,792 words
Running total: 35,056 words
Summary: The mystery of Grindstone is further investigated.

Also, there is a guy in a newsboy cap, although at the last second I almost gave him a trilby.

Friday, November 20, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 20: Slip Up

It's not really an official entry; I only got like 15 words down so I'm not bothering to post it up. Sorry... I should be back on track tomorrow.

Here's something fancy I did today instead.

And here's a WIP that gained... quite a bit of fame.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 19: Requisite Angst Quota Fulfilled

Today's word count: 1,449 words
Running total: 32,244 words
Summary: Kenneth has ANGST.

Also, Brian and Chase make up.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 18: ~Character Development~

Today's word count: 1,689 words
Running total: 30,795 words
Summary: Chase has deep conversations with both Alistair and Brian.

Also, Twilight gets bashed.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 17: Stop! Filler Time.

Today's word count: 1,892 words
Running total: 29,106 words
Summary: The gang heads out to Grindstone Lake in their Mystery Machine.

Also, against my better judgment, there is a Chase chapter.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The REAL 100th Post! NaNoWriMo, Part 16: Grindstone's Lake

Today's word count: 1,710 words
Running total: 27,214 words
Summary: The club gets a new sponsor/supervisor (totally predictable!) and Ashley outlines the next adventure. Which I totally produced from no where at the last second.

Also, I made an announcement about 100 posts a while back but realized that Blogger was also counting drafts which I never posted and never will post because they were blank. But now that that's taken care of, I know that this is the official 100th blog post. Yay!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 15: Book II

Today's word count: 1,416 words
Running total: 25,504 words
Summary: Kenneth's condition is fully explained and our group prepares to go on their first ghost hunt, tying up some loose ends at school.

Also, I recommend you go back and re-read yesterday's entry if you've already read it at the time of this posting.  I accidentally forgot to include Part 14, but it's there now.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

100th Post! NaNoWriMo, Parts 13 and 14: End of the Beginning

Yesterday's word count: 1,767 words
Today's word count: 634 words
Running total: 24, 088
Summary: Kenneth fights his friends out of desperation, but they bring him back to his senses and then sit down and exposit.

Also, "He looks a bit worthless, like he has never done anything worthwhile in his life."

Friday, November 13, 2009

Na--oh wait

I will not have internet access tonight and will therefore be unable to share the next exciting installment of my novel. Oh no! But don't worry too much. I'll be back tomorrow with an installment twice as long.

Until then, here's a picture of a dude for another story idea that cropped up halfway through November. Darn! Well, NaNo 09 is still keeping my interest, so maybe not so darn--let's just hope this new story holds my interest long enough for me to cement it.

This story is particularly self-aware; this particular dude is named Aleksei Chekhov, and in addition to being Russian, he is also a black market arms dealer. Get it?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 12: Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny

Today's word count:  1,663 words
Running total:  21,687 words
Summary:  The club confronts evil hungry demon Kenneth.

Also Scarlett is apparently stronger than Dean.  Let's all laugh at Dean for being blond.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 11: Stop! Filler Time!

Today's word count: 2,012 words
Running total: 20,024 words
Summary: Chase and Alistair get to the bottom of the mystery of What's Happening to Kenneth.

Also, there is much confusion over tripping.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 10: There Are Voices in My Head

Today's word count: 1,895 words
Running total: 18,012 words
Summary: Chase meets Alistair.

Also, there is the wonder of technology.

Monday, November 9, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 9: Wanton Destruction and Body Horror, Oh My!

Today's word count: 2,079 words
Running total: 16,117 words
Summary: Kenneth comes back with a vengeance quite literally and takes the plot by the reins.  Honestly, I didn't expect him to get so violent so quickly.  It just happened.

Also, there are pot cupcakes? (Only not really.)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 8: "I Almost Didn't Get My Daily Quota" Edition

Today's word count: 1,785 words
Running total: 14,380 words
Summary: Basically Scarlett's character is explored a little more as I artificially pad out Brian's chapter.

Also, there is some slightly subtler foreshadowing.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 7: Filler Edition

Today's word count: 1,766
Running total: 12,253
Summary: While Chase and Kenneth go to the hospital, Brian does his best in his drug-addled state to tell the story.

Also, there is a lot of heavy-handed foreshadowing.

Friday, November 6, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 6: And then he died ~half~

Today's word count: 2,140 words
Running total: 10,487 words
Summary: The gang is attacked during their special feature and they must deal with the aftermath.  There is a change to Chase's POV while Kenneth is mostly unconscious.

Also, things get sexy.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 5: And Tomorrow, They Meet a Ghost (Spoilers!)

Today's word count: 1,589 words
Running total: 8,347 words
Summary: Everyone meets in front of the school, and a few of them even have mildly interesting conversations.

Also, James Patterson dies.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Today's word count: 1,694 words
Running total: 6,758 words
Summary: The newscasting club decides to do a show about the auditorium ghost, since there's nothing better to cover. There's also a new chapter start told from Kenneth's POV.

Also, there is a reference to The Guardian.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

NaNoWriMo, Part 3: The Premise Thickens

Today's word count: 1,712 words
Running total: 5,063 words
Summary: Kenneth meets the newscasting club. The perspective shifts from Kenneth to resident indie girl Scarlett.

Also, there is a girl who shares her last name with the name of an alien spacecraft from a popular British television series.

Monday, November 2, 2009

NaNoWrimo, Part 2: At least they're not in Period 1 anymore

Today's word count:  1,573 words
Running total:  3,351 words
Summary:  Kenneth and Chase go places.  They meet with Brian and Dean, although Brian goes unnamed.

Also, there is a toenail clipping collection.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Today's work count: 1,777 words
Running total: 1,777 words
Summary: Our intrepid hero meets Chase. The entire first 1777 words are spent in a single class period.

Also, there is chiroptophobia.
Also also, note that I end each night mid-sentence. This might feel strange, and that's because it mostly is, but it makes it easier for me to start the next day.