This is the first forum I skinned, way back in '06. I thought it looked fantastic then, but now the only part I really like are the handmade forum/topic icons.

On the other hand, I don't like the topic icons for this one, but I love the look of it otherwise. XD This was done for a friend in January of '08... so it's pretty old. You can find an interactive version of this skin here!

This was made earlier this month and was the result of me wanting to make a skin that made me feel happy just by looking at it. It's aptly titled "Rainbows and Lollipops." I think I succeeded in my goal. This one also has a full working preview here!

Last but probably best, we have something I coded this morning. See, the forum I'm managing is a Harvest Moon RP, and our characters are encouraged to keep journals recording how they feel about others. I decided to take this a step further and record character interactions thread by thread. We are also encouraged to make it look pretty, so I did just that. This is a milestone for me in that it's the first time I hand-coded both the HTML and the CSS part; I've just toyed with CSS to change pre-coded HTML in the past.
For the record, I can't remember who drew the Plan 9 Ruler icon but it was not me. It was just a convenient placeholder.
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