I've been updating early lately. Think of it as my apologizing for making a lot of updates at 11:50 PM the past few weeks or so.
This picture isn't great--I could tear apart the bizarre anatomy for hours--but it works for a concept. This gal-monster-thing shows up every once in a while to wreak havoc. Sometimes she works for heroes, sometimes for villains, but in her mind she is pure chaotic neutral. I'll go more into her concept when her design is closer to finalization, because she's far from that stage right now. You may guess that by the coloring, she doesn't have a third main color chosen, and you would be entirely correct. Suffice to say that you may at least be able to guess at her inspiration/exportedness if you know a lot about the characters I draw.
She also doesn't really have a name yet. I call her "CHUD" for ease of reference, though.
Great new direction. Can't wait to see what comes up next.