Today I want to talk a little fashion.
The two designs you saw on Day 1 were bottom-lower class (the particular Cetacean was a fisherman) and a surgeon. Generally the lower down you go on the class scale the more "normal" the style of dress gets. Also, the Cetacean are rather fond of patterns--much clothing utilizes some sort of patter.
Above on today's post is a nobleman. They tend to dress is rather thick, heavy clothing; it's cold underwater and they don't need to leave to swim too much. Unfortunately no one has yet tried to make shoes for the cetacean's flippers, so wrappings are about as high class as it comes.

This is another higher ranking member of society, although she would be affiliated with religion. Her official title is oracle. Before Cetaceans moves underwater, they wore light, flowy clothing that could easily come off when they needed to jump in the water. Cetaceans affiliated with religion or magic tend to wear this sort of traditional clothing, but most people do not.
This society is aquatic, like the Gungans