Your name is ANKARII HENFRIK. Although you have fewer INTERESTS than your fellow trolls, you are EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD at the things you do.
Your interest lies in ARCHITECTURE. You love the look of a perfect HIVE and constantly strive to hone your STYLE and SKILL. Your obsession has had other benefits, and you've developed a taste for IMMACULATE STYLE and PERFECTION in general. You are the coolest of all your friends and are often forced to serve as an AUSPICTICE, whether you like it or not.
Your trolltag is fastidiousEngineer and to you, F O R M - I S - A S - N E C E S S A R Y - A S - F U N C T I O N.
(Hmm. I can't help but feel like I'm forgetting something important I wanted to say today...)

(Oh, yes, that was it. Thanks, Michael.)
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