Your name is KRONNON AGENEIS. You have a narrow range of INTERESTS. Most of your day is spent between building various MACHINES and creating PROGRAMS, your skill levels at which vary from PROJECT TO PROJECT.
Your favorite things are your COPPER CONDUCTING COILS. They can emit EXTREMELY HIGH-VOLTAGE BOLTS OF ELECTRICITY, which not only LOOK REALLY COOL but also EMIT SOUND. You like creating MUSIC with these, and you are SURPRISINGLY KIND OF GOOD AT IT.
You really like BUILDING ROBOTS, but you are EXTREMELY BAD AT IT. Your WORKSHOP is littered with CARCASSES OF FAILED ROBOTS that have INEVITABLY EXPLODED. You are not even sure of why they do that so frequently. You are a little better at BUILDING COMPUTERS and WRITING SIMPLE PROGRAMS, but still not that good. You don't mind, though, because it's still FUN.
Your trolltag is conductedUniverse and you like to 5peak 1n 7ones 7hat (ommand 5erious 8usiness |=rom `/our 9eers.
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