If I ever did another adventure game like Blur, I'd really like to have a good reader analogue. I want the character several people control to be immersive--to be them and everyone else playing at the same time. I've seen this achieved a few ways in other adventures--people who participate actually appear as characters, player character is a robot on the fritz, etc. An adventure idea I have brewing in mind involves a monster raising sim (a la pokemon), so... here would be the player analogue for that.
A sentient monster that contains several hundred souls within a single body. These souls do not share a single hivemind--a few do, but many are capable of independent thought. Although his DID behavior can creep some people out, he's usually pretty friendly and has served as a private doctor and servant of the main character's family. When they set out on their quest, he's by their side to guide them.
Really starting to look forward to your "other worldly" creations.