I am really, really not motivated to do Ethera race weeks right now. It's an ordeal even getting myself to draw a couple of otherworldy dudes and dudettes. So I'm going to put them off for a good long while. I hope to come back to Ethera eventually, but right now it's the last thing on my mind.
Good news.

I'm not interested in Ethera because I'm very interested in other stories right now. Blur has resumed after an unfortunate hiatus, and I've taken an interest in Nightmare City again. I want more time to dedicate to these projects. And as a result, you'll probably see a lot of Blur/NMC stuff here in the future!
Today, we have two characters from NMC: Ethan Boyd and Hal Monroe, respectively. They're reacting to E3.
Me gusta the haircut on the first character (Ethan Boyd?). Good luck w. your projects. What format will these stories be in? graphic novel, book, etc