They're the glass cannons of Ethera. If it were a tabletop game, they'd be well-suited as thieves, assassins, and martial artists. They also have a notably high offensive magic ability, so while they wouldn't be the best squishy wizards in the game, that could be a cool concept to play.

They also have the most furry appeal of any of the races, and look the most like Na'vi.
Their bodies are covered in fur, which ranges from slightly dark red to nearly black-red; the hair on their heads and the tip of the tail tends to be very light shades of brown, red, or blond. They're a nomadic people located mostly in the desert, but their high mobility means that they can be found all over the world. Dimorphism is about average; what you'd expect in humans you'd see with them.
Reminds me of Mr. Tumnis from Narnia and the Navi.