Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dorp Bot?

...Dorp Bot.

Monday, August 30, 2010

So I downloaded GIMP today

Its sketching capabilities felt nice, but gog dam. I don't think I've ever encountered a more user-unfriendly interface.

It may be a good time to see how much photoshop costs on a student discount...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010

And Seekrit Project Again

As a side note: most of the characters you see here are very minor. The only mainstays right now are are the main character and the monster guy with the round head and the black suit.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Ok Back to Seekrit Project

This turned out way more animu than I intended.

If you're wondering why Seekrit Project doesn't have a tag yet, it's because the story doesn't have a title. Maybe I'll just tag it Seekrit Project right now. I dunno.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

MtS Art?

Matt the Smith Art !!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Someone's not happy.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Every Story Needs a Hero

And here's the one of a seekrit project.

Sure looks familiar.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Xanthee Today

Tomorrow the troll sprites will be complete! REJOICE.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

This is my 365th post

One year's worth of posts!

No trolls today; I've been baking some intricate cupcakes. Instead, why don't you have a couple of late-night sketches I've done?

They're for a project that currently doesn't have a title.

Friday, August 20, 2010

More, More

Vanniss was added today, and a lot of the other sprites got tweaked.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Another Sprite

It's Kronnon's.



Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Not Much Today

Just a stuffy architect in spriteform.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I Return

And I come bearing sprites of the trolls from about a week ago.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I'm leaving on a vacation tomorrow (there will be an update lull again, sorry!) so I had a lot on my mind today. I nearly forgot about the blog. But I have something for you.

I've bee tweaking the MtS sprites in the past few days, trying to get a finalized 'look' before I continue on to the ten or so NPCs I'll have to do.

On the left is the prototype; the sketch that basically spawned this whole project. On the right is the final version of the same pose. I won't point out all the changes because I think you're perfectly capable of noting them yourself (hint: it's not just a different outfit). I'm quite proud of the finished product.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Troll Week, Day Seven

Your name is Celenia Fairnet. As a redblood, few people pay attention to you and no one seems to mind if you romp through the open plains of Alternia with your LUSUS with only a YURT and your DISPROPORTIONATELY LARGE COLLECTION OF THINGS to your name. You tend to keep towards RUINS and places where fewer MUSCLEBEASTS roam, but when it comes down to it, any place is fair game for you.

You enjoy COLLECTING THINGS you find, especially CUTE or CREEPY things. Any fabric you find goes towards CLOTHING or MAKING DOLLS, all of which will fall into one of the above adjective categories. You have a fascination with the concept of DEATH, as well, and will often go out of your way to DEFILE TOMBS so you can STUDY MUMMIFIED TROLLS AND OTHER CORPSES. You can't believe how edgy you are sometimes.

Your trolltag is haberdasheryGremlin and though you're not a weather buff, you liKe to remind people of tonight's ºForeºCast.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Troll Week, Day Six

Your name is ANKARII HENFRIK. Although you have fewer INTERESTS than your fellow trolls, you are EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD at the things you do.

Your interest lies in ARCHITECTURE. You love the look of a perfect HIVE and constantly strive to hone your STYLE and SKILL. Your obsession has had other benefits, and you've developed a taste for IMMACULATE STYLE and PERFECTION in general. You are the coolest of all your friends and are often forced to serve as an AUSPICTICE, whether you like it or not.

Your trolltag is fastidiousEngineer and to you, F O R M - I S - A S - N E C E S S A R Y - A S - F U N C T I O N.

(Hmm. I can't help but feel like I'm forgetting something important I wanted to say today...)

(Oh, yes, that was it. Thanks, Michael.)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Troll Week, Day Five

Your name is XANTHEE HELIONE. As a member of the NAUTICAL ARISTOCRACY, you enjoy a fairly relaxed life and spend most of your time tending to your INTERESTS. You like playing VIDEO GAMES but are NOT VERY GOOD at most of them. Thus you prefer the lax kind, such as ones where you are assigned ROLE to PLAY or ones that SIMULATE A FACET OF REALITY. You have tried to recreate SIMULATION GAMES in real life, growing TINY BIOMES of FLORA AND FAUNA. You are surprisingly good at the care of these LITTLE WORLDS.

In addition to your love of LIFE and GAMES, you enjoy FAIRY TALES. MAGIC and WONDER have always fascinated you. You wish that you could one day raise FANCIFUL CREATURES in a BIOME. If only! Sadly, you have come to accept there is NO SUCH THING as magic, and that's fine with you. You'll always have your STORIES and GAMES and ANIMAL FRIENDS!

Your trolltag is aureateUndertow and ~Y*ur W*rds Are As Radiant As Y*ur Presence~.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Troll Week, Day Four

Your name is VANNISS PENDORA. You are absolutely certain you are THE ONLY SANE TROLL.

Your hero is the GREAT TROLL KING PENDORA. You hope that you are his descendant and base your life around his EXPLOITS. You read EVERY BOOK about him and his adventures and practice with BROADSWORDS and SPEARS, his most powerful weapons. The MUSCLEBEASTS that prowl around your hive are no match for your prowess; with your LUSUS, you wish to join the ranks of CAVALREAPERS.

...But maybe you're not really CAVALREAPER MATERIAL. Due to some bizarre circumstance, your PERSONALITY is the opposite of most trolls. While they are egocentric and hateful, you are kind and selfless. You GREATLY DISLIKE when fellow TROLLS insult each other and often try to act as an AUSPISTICE. Most TROLLS don't really like you, but that's ok. They just don't realize WHAT'S GOOD FOR THEM.

Your trolltag is austereGenteel and You speak eloquently and plainly, so that people will take you seriously.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Troll Week, Day Three

Your name is STAAGEN TOSICAT. You base your life around the CELESTIAL BEINGS that only you seem to hear. It may have something to do with the fact that you can only hear them if you clear your mind and consume CELESTIAL MUSHROOMS, a rare FUNGUS that only your LUSUS knows how to grow. You have taken a great fondness to CULTIVATING FUNGI; your entire HIVE is built EVEN DEEPER IN THE GROUND than your FELLOW TROLLS'. You are NOT VERY GOOD and controlling where the MUSHROOMS grow, so you've let them just take over the HIVE. The CELESTIAL BEINGS said it's all right if you do that.

Oftentimes, the CELESTIAL BEINGS command you to create FINE ART. House space that isn't COVERED IN FUNGI is dedicated to VARIOUS CANVASES AND SCULPTURES. They either CELEBRATE LIFE or SING PRAISES TO HIGHER LIFEFORMS. No one really understands your ARTISTIC VISION, and they try to convince you that the CELESTIAL BEINGS are hallucinations. But that's ok. The BEINGS told you they're real and that your FELLOW TROLLS' OPINIONS don't matter.

Your trolltag is plumbBonkers and yooouuu liiikeee tooo taaakeee thiiings veeeryyy slooowlyyy.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Troll Week, Day Two

Your name is KRONNON AGENEIS. You have a narrow range of INTERESTS. Most of your day is spent between building various MACHINES and creating PROGRAMS, your skill levels at which vary from PROJECT TO PROJECT.

Your favorite things are your COPPER CONDUCTING COILS. They can emit EXTREMELY HIGH-VOLTAGE BOLTS OF ELECTRICITY, which not only LOOK REALLY COOL but also EMIT SOUND. You like creating MUSIC with these, and you are SURPRISINGLY KIND OF GOOD AT IT.

You really like BUILDING ROBOTS, but you are EXTREMELY BAD AT IT. Your WORKSHOP is littered with CARCASSES OF FAILED ROBOTS that have INEVITABLY EXPLODED. You are not even sure of why they do that so frequently. You are a little better at BUILDING COMPUTERS and WRITING SIMPLE PROGRAMS, but still not that good. You don't mind, though, because it's still FUN.

Your trolltag is conductedUniverse and you like to 5peak 1n 7ones 7hat (ommand 5erious 8usiness |=rom `/our 9eers.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Troll Week!

Do you read Microsoft Paint Adventures? If you don't, I highly recommend it. In the upcoming days, I'm going to be introducing my MSPA fan characters. There's seven of them, so I'll introduce a new one every day for a week.
If I ever got around to writing something with these guys, this would be the order in which they were introduced.

Your name is ELLISTA APISTEN. You have a wide variety of INTERESTS, the chief of which involves COLLECTING AND STUDYING WEAPONRY. Your STRIFE PORTFOLIO is filled to the brim with all the ARMS you know how to use. Recently you have tried to learn how to MANUFACTURE ARMS, but you are NOT VERY GOOD AT IT.


Your trolltag is standardNerve and -[]You begin 4ll your st4tements with your f4vorite tool.

(Also, the symbol on her shirt should be yellow. Silly me, I messed up. Sorry.
The bee thing next to her is her sort of guardian.)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I Took an Unannounced Vacation

I made some stuff in the meantime! I'll be posting those things in the next few days.

First up, we have approximately a third of the starting cast of Matt the Smith. A story I haven't really mentioned by name. I still haven't figured out a ton about it, but... as you can see, it started as a punny name taken to the extreme.